MommyJ Baby Rice Grain from 6M to 15M+, 5 Steps (Mono-Grain, Duo-Grain, Tri-Grain, Multi-Grain, Super-Grain)

RM18.90 MYR

Step: Step 3 (900g)

Step 1 (900g)
Step 2 (900g)
Step 3 (900g)
Step 4 (900g)
Step 5 (850g)
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Tags: 10M+ 18M+ 6M+ 8M+

MommyJ Step 1 Mono-Grain contains Natural Pearl White Rice, a great choice for your baby's first supplementary food, especially for babies 6 months and above. The starch in Pearl White Rice is almost allergy-free, making it a safe and healthy option for your baby. Additionally, Pearl White Rice is very easy to digest and is full of nutrients, including protein and amino acids, which are essential for your baby's development.

Once your baby is comfortable with Step 1, it is time to introduce them to MommyJ Step 2 Duo-Grain. Step 2 contains a blend of organic pearl rice and organic hulled millet, which are both excellent sources of nutrients for your baby's growth and development. 

MommyJ Step 3 Tri-Grain is specially formulated for babies aged 8 months and above. It provides a good source of vitamins and minerals, particularly through the inclusion of organic white quinoa, which is easily digested and contains healthy omega-3 fatty acids that support your little one's brain development. Step 3 contains a blend of high-quality, organically grown ingredients, including pearl rice, hulled millet, and white quinoa. 

MommyJ Step 4 Multi-Grain is specifically formulated for babies aged 10 months and above, to provide a more complete B complex vitamin, minerals, and useful protein for overall development. At this stage, your little one's digestive system is not yet fully developed, so our specially formulated grains have a softer texture that is produced from milling paddy grains, making it easier for your baby to digest. Step 4 contains a blend of high-quality, organically grown ingredients, including pearl rice, bario black rice, bario red rice, cornmeal, hulled millet, and white quinoa. 

MommyJ Step 5 Super-Grain is specifically formulated for toddlers aged 18 months and above. Super-Grain is an excellent choice for toddlers as it helps to strengthen their immune system, promote overall development, improve intelligence, and prevent allergic skin diseases. Step 5 contains a blend of high-quality, natural and organically grown ingredients, including natural pearl brown rice, natural pearl white rice, organically grown bario red rice, organically grown bario black rice, organic cornmeal, organic hulled millet, and organic white quinoa.

  • Natural pearl brown rice is particularly beneficial for toddlers as it retains the cereal germ and endothelium, which is extremely good for their immune system, bone development, brain development, and preventing allergic skin diseases.
  • Organically grown Bario red rice and Bario black rice are small-grain rice with a softer texture that is easy for toddlers to digest. These grains are great sources of iron and magnesium for healthy red blood cells function, building strong bones and teeth, and boosting their immune system.
  • Organic cornmeal is non-GMO and has a high fiber content to maintain a healthy digestive tract and prevent diarrhea issues in babies. Our organic hulled millet is the best source of alkaline-producing grains, which is ideal in times of digestive distress and infections of little ones.
  • Organic white quinoa is a complete protein source with healthy omega-3 fatty acids for your toddler's brain and eye development, as well as cell maintenance and repair.

With MommyJ Baby Rice Grain, you can be sure that your toddler is getting a nutritious and delicious meal that is packed with the vitamins, minerals, and protein. These grains are all excellent sources of essential nutrients that are crucial for your baby's growth and development.

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Step 1 (900g), Step 2 (900g), Step 3 (900g), Step 4 (900g), Step 5 (850g)